Carrie Alyson | Aspenhearted
about 1 year ago

Project Update: Stretch Goal Changes and Announcing a Livestream!

Sorry to be popping up in your inbox again so soon, but I just finalized a few things and have some very important updates!

First the boring news: The campaign Shipping info has been updated with price estimates for the larger Pledge Levels and pin displays, plus some important additional information for international backers!

Now the exciting news: We did some number crunching and reworked the final stretch goal to offer an opportunity to ALL backers! Now, if we hit $18k in funding before the campaign ends, EVERY backer will get a free North Star accent pin!

Finally, the SUPER exciting: I’m going to do a Final Day Celebration Livestream at 3pm PST on Wednesday August 16th!
I’ll be joined by author/artist Kim Kuzuri, designer Carly K, and Backerkit’s own marketing pros, Crystal T and Anna G , to talk about how the whole Nocturnal Nouveau collection came to be and ways that Backerkit can help emerging artists run successful campaigns to fund their creative projects, followed by an audience Q&A and some fun Nocturnal Animal trivia!

The Livestream will be open to everyone, so if you know any artists or creators who’d love to learn about ways to run a successful campaign with a small (but dedicated!) fan base and an even smaller marketing budget, please invite them! 

We’ll be streaming directly from the front page of Nocturnal Nouveau, so add it to your calendar and stop by at 3pm on Wednesday to join us. You’ll be able to ask questions live in chat or you can post them below in the comments!

Thanks for your support, for sticking with me, and I hope you'll be able to join us for the livestream on Wednesday for an exciting final day!

<3 Carrie

If we can reach $18k before the campaign ends, every backer will receive a FREE North Star accent pin.
Goal: $18,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!




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