Cassi Mothwin
3 months ago

Project Update: Backerkit Surveys Go Out Wednesday! And check out these stickers!

Greetings, my wonderful students,

Earlier today I sent out the smoke test to a few lucky backers to iron out the kinks for the backer survey before it goes to all of you. We did find one issue that's been smoothly flattened for the rest of you. If you were one of the students chosen for this honor, please fill out your survey as soon as you can so that we can clean up any other issues that arise. The rest of you should get your surveys Wednesday morning!

Surveys won't be locking until early January, and you'll have notice before I do that. So if you're planning to move or need to update something later, there will be time! The sooner the surveys are filled out though, the easier it is for me to make certain estimates, so I appreciate your help!  

"But how is progress on the electives going,"
I hear you asking. Well my eager friend, edits have been completed and a proof print has been ordered! I'll share when it arrives. There are a few more things to do before we start the final round of proofreading (looking at those of you who'll have your name in the hall), but we're still on schedule!

Now, with that out of the way, how about a look at the house crest stickers! These just arrived today, and I'm so thrilled with how they came out! Even if you missed the early bird opportunity to grab these, they're available as an add-on! Plus, they fit right inside Tangled Blessings!

That's all for now, my students! 
Stay warm as we approach finals season, and be on the look out for those surveys!

Cassi Mothwin
Assistant to the Headmaster
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