Catacolyte Games
9 months ago

Project Update: Campaign End & Thank you!

Campaign End & Thank You!

To new backers, welcome! To old backers, thank you so much for your continued support. I'll strive to live up to your expectations.

We crossed the finish line with 114 backers, raising over $2,700. Between this project and Cult of the Blood Queen, we have come so far this past year. I hope you have as much fun playing in this world as I have creating it.

Crisis of Faith

We unlocked the Crisis of Faith milestone on the last day! These challenges will be standalone encounters GMs can slot into existing campaigns to test their players. These encounters could be boss fights, puzzles, or even moral quandaries. More on these soon!

Cult of the Blood Queen 1.3

I've spent an extensive time iterating on the layouts for Sins of Our Mother in an attempt to create something unique. I still have a long way to go, but researching fonts, graphical hierarchy, and general layout design has taught me Cult of the Blood Queen is still really raw. I'm committed to producing the best possible version of my work I can so I'll spend a short stint bringing Cult up to level.

Everyone who backed Cult of the Blood Queen will receive an updated pdf copy via Backerkit, and this new version will become the standard issue.

Happy Holidays!

Ashton Baker
Creator of Catacolyte Games

The Lich Star Race won the Community Choice Poll by 1 vote. Woo!

23 votes • Final results




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