Central Michigan University Press
6 days ago

Project Update: Reminder: Keep the Faith Playtest Livestream - Mon, Feb 17, 8-10pm EST

Hi all,

We're sitting at 76% funded with 17 days left in the campaign. Thank you all for your continued support. Hopefully, we'll cross the threshold soon.

A brief reminder: tonight, on YouTube (and here on our Backerkit project page as well), we'll have a playtest  livestream for Keep the Faith hosted by the game's designer, Greg Loring-Albright, and featuring a great group of game designers and academics playing the game: 
  • Anna Anthropy (Forgotten Palaces, Princess with a Cursed Sword); 
  • Dr. Emily Friedman (Associate Professor of English, Auburn University); 
  • Amabel Holland (Hollandspiele); 
  • Tim Hutchings (Thousand Year Old Vampire); and 
  • Eloy Lasanta (Third Eye Games).

Here's the direct link to the livestream on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zuj5QT5VIn0.

If you aren't able to watch live, the stream should be captured and housing both on our YouTube channel and here on the Community tab for our Backerkit project.

Hope to see you there!




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