24 days ago

Project Update: Fully funded!!!! - sneak peak at beetle backpacks!

AMAZING we are fully funded already!!!! Thank you all so much!! It's so awesome to see all the love for our studio mascot! And SUPER excited we get the opportunity to make our very first cardigans! :D Right now, we are looking into giving more sizing options for the cardigans and putting some of our stretch goals into sampling.

Speaking of stretch goals.... Take a look at the beetle backpack! This is the rough sample so ignore the colors, but what do you think about the look so far? 

We're also open to moving the stretch goals around or changing them if you guys are more interested in other options (... big bug plushies?) Anyway we'd love to hear your thoughts!! (or perhaps... Bug cardigan??? BUG FANS RISE UP)

Thank you so much for being apart of this campaign, I'm seeing a lot of repeat backers from past projects we've run and it truly does mean a lot to have so many people supporting the journey of our animation studio :,D 
72 votes
Once we reach this goal, beetle backpack will be available for pre-order!
Goal: $35,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
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