One deluxe gold foil edition of Before the Flood, signed by Sylvan and Nicholas, a pack of mantle trifolds, a copy of the Book of Legend, a pack of postcards, a map template poster, a single exclusive playing card and a single exclusive tarot card featuring art from Before the Flood, a copy of Before the Flood "annotated" by either Sylvan or Nicholas, you can add a sentence to the Book of Legend, AND the one and only copy of The™️ Playtester's™️ Tarot®️
The™️ Playtester's™️ Tarot®️ is a tarot deck Sylvan, Nicholas, and their friend Taylor made while playtesting Before the Flood at a convention. They'd brought everything needed except a tarot deck, and through the power of friendship (and all the bits they keep in their bags) they made their own! This one-of-a-kind deck can be yours for the low low price of $444
The™️ Playtester's™️ Tarot®️ in all its glory
We reserve the right to refuse your addition to the Book of Legend, or ask you to change it.