Cosmic Kristen Designs
about 1 year ago

Project Update: Backerkit Survey's are Live!

Woohoo! It's time to answer some questions.

5% of you received your survey - this is for testing to make sure I didn't miss anything major before sending them all. I expect to be able to send the remaining survey's late tomorrow or early the 16th. You will see your incentives under your pledge tier and any add-ons from the campaign have transferred over ready for your selections. If you click through the images of the add-ons each one has a picture with the pins named to match their drop down - but if you have any questions or concerns about selecting the right pin feel free to reach out to me! [email protected].

Our main 11 pins are as below - their photos will also pop up under the options in your survey. Have a  great rest of your evening!





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