Cosmic Kristen Designs
over 1 year ago

Project Update: Updates and in hand pictures!

Happy Thursday everyone!

I'm here to give a small update - during quality checking of the pins I found over 60% had what I'd consider B grade flaws or worse. If you do find I've accidentally sent you a heavily flawed pin, please reach out and let me know and we can get it sorted right away. [email protected]

As such - I'm currently attempting to get remakes done with my factory so that I will have A grade pins to replace any mail mishandling or misses on my part in grading. This process will take a bit of time - so for full transparency if something were to happen to your pin there is a possibility a replacement won't arrive to me until closer to the end of October. (This is especially true on the Gelcatinous cube and Dragon as they were both the most popular as well as highest flaw rate). 

In addition to this, you will likely see me on social media posting the flawed pins for sale. I usually keep these prices right around presale cost, but will be lowering them more than usual. My hope is to remake the more popular designs with a new factory by selling these flawed pins. Unfortunately, that again is a process as I've been using the current factory for my last 40 pin designs! I'd like to be more confident in quality before producing more pins. I am still looking at some other merch items and will keep you all updated!

Overall, I am excited for the pins to arrive to you all - and I hope you love them. 

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