Today’s update is going to cover where we are at with certain aspects so you all have a better idea of how it’s going!
The book is still in its playtesting phase, I am updating things based on feedback and with this back and forth I’m hoping to have a solid edition to send out to everyone. I’ve had to do an overhaul on a specific mechanic that just wasn’t working so this is why things haven’t moved as quickly as I’d hoped.
Preview - The Coin
With every new mechanic thorough testing has to be done which then stretches timelines but I’m still on track with my own internal goals for when things should be done.
The tarot deck is currently around 50% complete, my artist is working as fast as they can and I want to take a moment to thank the community who have aided us in consultation regarding Tarot meaning so we can make sure the cards not only look nice but flow with the overall experience one would expect with a traditional Tarot Deck.
Preview - The Swords
I’m very excited to share more and in this vain you can expect to see more previews soon as I get a section of the website dedicated to a Tarot Gallery.
Internal Artwork is currently 85% complete with a couple more pieces just needed to say that everything is done so please do keep your eyes peeled for that!
With the sheer number of items we’re making, our manufacturing partners think we’ll be in pre-production for some times as things get made, adjustments are needed/done and resampled. These steps are done multiple times to ensure the final product meets every expectation.
Preview - The Lovers Variations
When we get to this stage you can expect more previews of products and other updates but at the same time we will only post updates as we have things to show :)
Either way, I want to thank everyone for their support and if you’ll be attending Tabletop Scotland, we aim to have preview copies available for backers to flick through ahead of release!