Crossed Paths
6 months ago

Project Update: August Update - First Digital Download Released!

Hello everyone!

It is finally time to say that we are officially starting fufillment on the Digital Editions of The Covens of Midnight.

You will get an email that says your digital downloads are ready so be sure to click through to get access to your digital version!

Here are some changes that have occured from the alpha playtest to this public version;

  • Daily Event Draws are now done as a 5 Card Tarot Spread.
  • The Mechanics have been remade from scratch to fit better to this theme.
  • Your deck is split into Major & Minor Arcana to add event significance.
  • There is art for all 7 Paragons and Faculty.
  • Lore has been expanded.
  • You can now redraw events with a penalty.
  • Page Count has increased from 94 to 196.
  • I have included a brand new FREE Expansion as a thank you.

Journey through a guided campaign that has brand new combat mechanics and introduces Familiars

I want to note a few things you might find in this first version of the book that are still a WIP and the reason why;

  • No Backer Names - We are still waiting for about 25% of backers to fill out their surveys so this will be included when we approach printing and final versions of the title.
  • No Character Sheets - Due to the ground up rework, we are redesigning the character sheet to flow better. You can expect a fully finished version in the next Version Update.
  • No PDF Journal - Same reason as above.
  • Incomplete Artwork - We are still waiting for alot of Artwork to be finished so there are areas where artwork still needs to be included.

I want to reiterate this version is still a WIP, it has not been professionally edited and we will be taking all your feedback on board as we head towards a final version.

If you find any issues/mistakes or errors please do reach out to us via our email [email protected] or join the Discord here to DM me directly:

If you have not gotten an email with your files please head to your user page and "My Pledges", Find Midnight > Click "View Survey" and then click GET YOUR DIGITAL DOWNLOADS

(Please note, if you have not paid for your pre-order, you will not get your copy)

Please reach out directly so I can keep all feedback tracked rather than simply messaging in a group channel or leaving a comment. If your message gets lost I may not find it.

We are so very excited to see the Scribe you create and cannot wait to announce future projects!

If you haven't managed to pre-order then you still have time, head on over to:

Physical production will begin as soon as the digital version reaches Version 1.0 and hopefully by that point we never need to create a 'Second Edition' or reprint!

There is something else we will be sharing with you very soon...

Thank you all again!
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