Sponsor Dead Drop Studios at PAX East! (& join us if you're in the area!)

As small indie devs, it's incredibly difficult for us to get out to cons and feature our games. This is your chance to help us make the dream happen! When you buy this tier, it will allow us to afford a table as PAX East 2024 so we can show off the latest and greatest titles like Railbreak!

This tier includes:
  • One of our extra passes if you'd like to attend with us as an honored guest! (Please note we can only provide a pass, and not any lodging or travel, you'll have to get there on your own!) ;)
  • The Big T-Rex Collection
  • The Maximum Carnage Franchise Bundle
  • 30x digital copies of Railbreak on your platform of choice.
  • Your name, or a name of your choice, prominently featured on our table and branding.
  • Lots of free digital and physical loot, some extremely rare and one of a kind laying around our office, signed and just for you!
  • Our eternal thanks for helping us show off our games and try to grow our series! <3

If for any reason logistics prevent us from securing a table at PAX East 2024, we will move to another conference this year.

Sponsor Dead Drop Studios at PAX East! (& join us if you're in the area!)


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