4 months ago

Project Update: 🃏 #1 - Post-48hrs...

Hi, everyone!

I'm reaching out with an official update now that we have passed the first 48 hour mark (which I'm told is an important mark). First off, I want to say (again) thanks! Thanks to everyone that backed this project - you have collectively made it a great success and I am super excited to begin work to get it across the finish line and into everyone's hands ASAP. Thank you a thousand times.

And with that out of the way, let's get into the meat:

I don't anticipate sending nor want to send out constant updates of no material  value - I imagine many of you will be getting quite a lot of emails over the next few months and I want to limit that noise from my end as much as is feasible. At the same time, I want to make sure you're confident in the choice you made. So, for now I am thinking I'll be reaching out once bi-weekly with the major points. That being said, please do feel free to comment and discuss as much as you'd like - I will respond in those as much as I can.

  • Updates bi-weekly or as needed if its important.
  • Please comment/discuss whatever and whenever - I'll be around.

Dice Questions:
There has been a question about the dice available in the High-Roller Pledge and I'm sure others have similar questions so I want to say a little bit about them now.

The dice are expensive. I totally get that. And right out the gate I want to say to anyone that does not feel comfortable paying for them ... DONT! Please don't. I respect nothing if not the choices people make with their hard earned money. However, if you're still at least interested, do know that in a couple of weeks I'll be sharing an update about them specifically with photos and such so that you can feel like your purchase is a valuable one. The main thing at this time I want to share on the dice is that they are exclusive (I won't be selling them anywhere else after this campaign - same with the patch), 100% hand made in the US - hand made being hand poured, hand painted, hand cleaned/polished, and all with care! Again, I'll share more details later with some pictures, info on who is making them, and how they are made. I'm really excited for these and I hope you are too.

  • The dice are badass!
  • Expect details and pictures SOON (waiting on samples).

International Shipping:
I've gotten a fewwww questions about opening up shipping of the physical zine to outside of the USA. My promise at this time is that I will research it. I really really want to offer this to everyone no matter where you are - this is already the aspect I feel worst about when it comes to the project. I am handling fulfillment of 90 Seconds to Midnight by myself and the last thing I want to do is fumble at the very end which is where shipping, one of the most complicated parts, happens to be. Every country has different rules, taxes/fees/duties, and costs and I'm not going to lie to everyone and pretend to be familiar with them. It is high on my priority list to figure out if it will make sense to do so by the end of this campaign and I will let everyone know if I make that change so that you can upgrade your Pledge if you so chose. Never the less, I thank every single Backer outside of the US for your support and, at the very least, hope that the ability to perhaps pick it up later from a retailer is some type of consolation.

  • I promise to research it before the end of the campaign. 
  • Ya'll are important to me!

Stretch Goals and Project Goals:
So, all my Stretch Goals (Achievements) have already been obliterated and I am not going to be doing anymore. I am avoiding "scope creep" like the plague especially as a new creator and I hope everyone can understand and respect that. That being said, we hit all my targets for the extra art and higher quality print I wanted - couldn't have done that without the amazing support of the past couple days. That being said, I do have a sorta mini-stretch goal still ongoing involving the cross-collab with Syndicate Wastrels. Every 100 Backers (after the initial 150) between the two of our projects will net an additional bonus Bounty Card. I'll be updating that every day or so as needed.

We still have basically a month of funding before everything closes - that means I don't have the funds to start certain things until about two weeks later (just before Christmas). I am of course still aiming for as very very swift timeline (as I outlined in my Story) but just want to be upfront about what the process looks like a bit. All the little wheels only start turning when the money comes in! So keep that in mind - this is only day 2!

  • Smashed the Stretch Goals - YAY!
  • Not adding more - BOO!
  • Cross-Collab Bonus still getting better and moving ahead!


I am so humbled and honored by this process. I can't wait to proudly deliver this module (as humble as it may be) to everyone as quick as possible. 
Thank you all again!


Seriously, use the discussion board as much as you want. I'll be around!
Holy @^%!
Goal: $5,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
Goal: 450 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
user avatar image for RANNE





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