about 2 months ago

Project Update: 📌 Mini-update - Smoke Tests

Hello, all. 

Quick update - the Pledge Manager Surveys are ready so I will be sending out the "Smoke Test" here today. That is, 5% of backers will receive a Survey to make sure everything is accurate/correct. Once that is complete, and assuming no major fixes are required, the remaining Surveys will be sent out.  

Surveys, if you don't know, are a chance for you to make any last minute changes to your Pledge and to put in your shipping (if required) information. You won't be charged shipping at this time, though - that's later. For those that qualified for the Early Bird Incentive, you might not see that on your Survey either, but don't worry because I will add those manually once Surveys are complete (this includes people that backed Digitally at first and chose to upgrade - you will receive the free map, too). If anyone notices any major issues, please let me know. 

OH! Also, anyone that bought the patch/map/dice or High-Roller tier before I offered a sale on them: I WILL credit you as I noted on those original posts. You will see that credit when I charge for shipping later down the road ($2 off Patches/Map, $5 off Dice, and $3 off High Roller Tier). 

Otherwise, hard-ish (now that the holidays are closing :D) at work on the module and hope to get everything out ASAP! PDFs will be sent via Backerkit later down the road when they are ready and then hopefully shortly thereafter I can begin shipping out the physical Pledges (once they've been printed and delivered to me).

Hope everyone enjoyed the holidays! 

user avatar image for RANNE




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