Nora Haynes
2 months ago

Project Update: Holiday Production Update!

Hey Everyone! 

I hope you're doing well, and I hope you're all having a great holiday season. I wanted to give you all a short production update on the book and keep everyone up to date on how things are going.

A couple weeks back we received the soft prints and gave our feedback. There were a few changes we requested to be made - and they've made them! Based on this, the book is looking fantastic! 

However, making these fixes did take a couple weeks and the production timeline has been pushed back just a smidge to match. We can now expect advance copies to be approved by the 16th of January and everything to be ready in the dockyard by the 20th. 

To speed things up, we've requested our publishing partner to check things themself and approve from here. This reduces the frustrating time it takes for books to get to Australia - which is famously long and difficult. 

Thank you all so much for your support and understanding! We hope you're as excited as we are for our next projects - but we'll talk about those in more detail as people start getting their books in hand!

Thank you,
Nora Jean Haynes




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