Well, that went fast! I have gone to grab some food, returned, and we are already funded... and in less than 30 minutes (and when I am writing this we are nearly at 200%)! So, first of all, we here at Dragonshorn Studios - me, Ayatee, and, of course, Geezer, want to thank you!
Stretch goal reveal - Expanded Art!
Fantasy books need art - and we love art - but getting beautiful illustrations is pricy! While the Dead Mines will be beautifully illustrated, we want to add even more art pieces to the book - so you and your players can feel like you're in the Blackrock Mines in person! Reaching the goal will help us hiring more artists to get even more art!
Previous Printed Books as Add-ons!
Remember that if you missed getting our earlier adventures in print - it's one of the only chances to get one! We have added add-ons that will allow you to grab our earlier printed books easily!
Once we reach this goal we will be able to expand the art of the book even more, to provide you with more mood art and character art to show to your players!
Goal: €1,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!