Antoni "Rughalt" Sobkowicz
about 1 year ago

Project Update: Surveys are Out and Work on Adventure Continues!

This update is long overdue (Geezer has been pestering me to write it for some time), but I wanted to have a substantial one for you - and here it is!

Surveys are out!

Surveys are out - and a lot of you have already responded! Thanks! If you did not, please do because we are getting closer to release, completing the survey will allow me to send your rewards!

Adventure Progress!

I am proud to announce that we have gotten all the art and have received the text back from the editor after the third pass, so the only thing left is setting everything up so the PDF is ready, which should happen soon! After that is done, we send the PDF to print so we can send physical versions your way, and we will work on the VTT modules!
Includes Backer-Exclusive Content




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