Now there are two progress indicators, one is the 325 overall pledge progression and then one for each specific order. Let's hope they can gather a good rhythm again and that no other event collides with the pledges :-) Looking at this from afar (got my pledge, waiting on for my WoK add on) is giving me the same feeling I got from the complaints at the munchkin big box crowdfunding (words like "sickened, disgusting, etc...). I believe the complaints are well deserved. I would not, however, address them at the team per se but at whoever is planing and managing. I get the impression that Dragonsteel’s name has grown faster than the company itself and they now find themselves at a position in which they are biting off more than they can chew. I believe the team is doing a great job, but whoever actually manages the company should take a step back and look at this as an opportunity for learning since there seems to be no contingency plan to palliate a crisis (or rather an unfortunate turn of events, I don’t believe this is an actual crisis). Anyway, let’s hope they get the stuff sorted out so they can focus on the crowdfunding campaign.






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