Latest from the Creator
Joie Martin
5 days ago
Poll Results & New Cover
Hello Wayfarers! A brief update to let you know the results of the poll, and to give you a sneak peek at the new cover for the core book, the Wayfaring Strange Wayfarer's Guide!...
Joie Martin
13 days ago
New Timeline and a Poll
Hello Wayfaring Strange backers! I apologize for so long without an update, but I appreciate your patience while my body decided to revolt. I finally managed to overcome the hea...
Joie Martin
10 months ago
Locking Orders & An Overdue Update
Hi everyone, I realize it's been a while since I last updated, so I wanted to let you know what's going on. I'm not as active on social media as I used to be (neither I nor Drow...
Joie Martin
over 1 year ago
Add-Ons for Digital Pledge Levels
Hi everyone, It seems that physical rewards and add-ons were not visible for two of our digital pledge levels, "Digital Nomad" and "Digital Apostle." I suspect that's because t...
Joie Martin
over 1 year ago
Wayfaring Strange Backer Surveys Sent!
Hey there Wayfarers! I've just sent out surveys for all backers. If you haven't received one, give it about 24 hours and check again. Please double-check that your information i...
Joie Martin
over 1 year ago
Smoke Test Surveys
Hi there Wayfarers! A few minutes ago, I sent out a small number of "smoke test" Backerkit surveys to make sure everything is working correctly. Assuming everything works as int...
Joie Martin
5 days ago

Project Update: Poll Results & New Cover

Hello Wayfarers! A brief update to let you know the results of the poll, and to give you a sneak peek at the new cover for the core book, the Wayfaring Strange Wayfarer's Guide!

In the last update, I put up a poll on Twitter to determine what design should go on the back of the wooden nickels for Wayfaring Strange. You overwhelmingly voted (72%!) for a nautical star/compass design, so that image will be on the back of the wooden nickels, and the Wayfaring Strange logo will be on the front.

I also wanted to update you on the progress of the core book. At this time, art for the book is complete, so the layout and proofing process has begun. I did want to give you a sneak peek at the cover for the game, however, and you can find that attached below:

The cover, and most of the artwork for Wayfaring Strange, are composite images created in Photoshop. They usually start with a base photo that I build on top of using a variety of techniques. This one was made through the use of color correction and enhancement, highlighting, filters, graphic layering, editing and hand drawing.

Hopefully the next update will be to notify you that the Wayfarer's Guide is done. Keep your fingers crossed!




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Joie Martin
13 days ago

Project Update: New Timeline and a Poll

Hello Wayfaring Strange backers! I apologize for so long without an update, but I appreciate your patience while my body decided to revolt. I finally managed to overcome the health issues I was battling, and had my final checkup, post-kidney surgery, a few weeks ago. So far, everything seems to be operating exactly as it should. This means I've been jumping back into various projects and moving forward on Wayfaring Strange.

As of now, the core book for Wayfaring Strange, the Wayfarer's Guide, is completely written and edited. I'm currently working on additional art and layout, and I'm hoping that I'll be able to get the book into your hands in the next couple of weeks. Once that's done, I'll begin working on the supplemental books in turn, starting with the Travel Guide's Atlas. Once all PDFs are complete, I'll begin the printing process, then shipping physical rewards.

Regarding physical rewards, I'll be using the same wooden nickel supplier I use for demo games, but I'm stuck on what to put on the back of the wooden nickels. I have several options, so I thought I'd leave it up to you to decide. If you'd like to vote on which design to use, there's a link to a poll on my Twitter account below. It's only open for a week (because that's as long as they'll let me keep it open), but I'm interested in your feedback! Right now, I'm debating between the traditional wooden nickel buffalo, the pyramid-and-eye (aka the "eye of providence"), or a nautical star/compass. I've also left room to suggest other designs, if you have more ideas I haven't thought of.

You can cast your vote for the wooden nickel design here:

Finally, I originally intended to have all books in this series complete by October of this year, but it currently looks like I'll only have the core book done by that deadline. I'm really sorry for the delay, but I'll continue working on the additional books in the coming months, and I'll endeavor to keep you better updated on my progress. I really do appreciate the trust you've put in me and, once again, thank you for believing in this weird little game!




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Hello - it's been half a year, is this still happening? :/





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Joie Martin
10 months ago

Project Update: Locking Orders & An Overdue Update

Hi everyone, I realize it's been a while since I last updated, so I wanted to let you know what's going on. I'm not as active on social media as I used to be (neither I nor Drowning Moon Studios has a working Twitter account at this point), but you may remember me talking about health problems in the past. More specifically, I've been battling my left kidney for a year + and finally had the surgery that is supposed to correct the problem for good. I'm still in the process of recovering, but I intend on getting back to work on Wayfaring Strange after the start of the new year.

Because of this, I will be locking orders at the end of this month, especially because I need to estimate manufacturing minimums for things like the patches and wooden nickels. You will still be able to update your address right up until everything ships, however, (and you still won't be charged shipping until that happens) you just won't be able to purchase additional add-ons after December 1st.

As for the game's production schedule, my goal is to have the core book PDF to you by May, 2024. Other PDFs should follow in the months to come, but physical rewards won't ship until everything is complete. I will make an effort to do a better job of updating you in the future, and thank you once again for backing Wayfaring Strange.




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Hi! Haven't heard from you and was wondering if there's been progress? Any sneak peeks?





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