Joie Martin
4 months ago

Project Update: Addendum to the Previous Update

Hi everyone, I wanted to give you a brief update regarding progress on the PDF for the Wayfarer's Guide. For the last couple of week's I've been working to finish the last bits of proofing and layout, intending to have the book to you by Halloween. Unfortunately, I've run into an unexpected delay with the software I'm using, so it's taking longer than I hoped. 

The short version is that the software keeps bugging and shutting down every couple of hours while I'm in the middle of working with it. I'm talking to the company that makes the software and attempting to troubleshoot the problem, but I'm not sure I can guarantee the book will be out tomorrow. At this point, I've just accepted that the book will be done when it's done, and that will hopefully be in the next couple of days.

Once again, I'm really sorry for the delay, especially this close to the finish line. I am doing my best to have the book to you as soon as I possibly can.




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