Dungeon Damsel
6 months ago

Project Update: New Unnatural Selection PDF is released! v1.4

Greetings Unnatural Selectors!

An update has been made -- the latest Unnatural Selection PDF is now available for download through Backerkit. As long as your session hasn't expired (or you need to "recover your survey") then this link should take you directly to the download page:


If you find you have having trouble, please let us know -- Backerkit is great and assisting with these sorts of problems as well. (And they will likely be faster than us, since they have people dedicated to resolving any issues you might have.)

This version (1.4) is also being printed as a proof copy, and if everything looks good, this will be the FINAL version of Unnatural Selection, which will allow us to begin the manufacturing process!

Exciting Times!

Ever since we've had the proof copies, running games at the table has been fun and convenient! We look forward to all of you being able to enjoy the same comfort and utility.

See you in the next update!
The Dungeon Damsel Team

Oh, and check out Bunni's Pin crowdfunding campaign that has already started with a bang! (In less than 24 hours, the Early Bird Specials will be gone, so if you'd like to support her, now's the time!)
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