Bunni's Boutique
5 months ago

Project Update: Production Updates & More


We are here today to share a manufacturing update.


There was a problem with the Special Edition book that we have addressed. The cover material was prone to wear and tear without much handling. So we decided that it was best to switch to a sturdier material as suggested by our manufacturer. A premium book should be just that, premium! We could NOT in good faith continue production of the maroon book with the previous material, because everyone who has supported us deserves the best!

The Standard black book is just fine and is chugging along without delay!

Below is the old swatch, and the new swatch of the Special Edition cover material.
Old (LEFT) New (RIGHT)


Next item on the agenda are the dice bags! The maroon one that is made to match the maroon book was looking a little too red, and not enough maroon. Also the black dice bag's design was not large enough... I have since tweaked that design to fit the bag better. Below you will find the old designs and colors, and the new black back edited design.

Old designs, old color.

New black bag design, with a bigger D20, with sides edited so that the image can be larger on the bag.
new edited black dice bag design

New Special Edition Maroon book swatch (Left) new maroon SE dice bag swatch (right) The lighting in this photo doesn't do it justice, but you get the idea...
New maroon swatch for book (LEFT) New maroon swatch for bag (RIGHT)


The dice molds have been created, and we should be seeing our first dice set tests soon. We can't wait to share them with you.


  1. Some of you already know this, but others do not. Xane had to have a routine surgery the other day, and is in recovery mode. Lots of bed rest--well he's supposed to be. Instead he's working on our next book! Despite his insane desire to never quit, he is healing nicely.
  2. We are currently in the process of negotiations with individuals who do modules for Fantasy Grounds VTT. We are hoping to make Unnatural Selection available on the website in time. This is VERY exciting 
  3. Our live stream of our Shadowdark campaign has inspired the folks at Foundry to update their module to look more "Shadowdarky." Awesome right? It was amazing before, but the vibe is now even better! 
  4. Oh and speaking of live stream, we will be continuing this Thursday, and we are finally monetized! That means the audience can influence the outcome through donation! Luck tokens, anyone?

    Find the live stream here at The Dungeon Damsel YouTube

    Catch up on the story by watching the abridged versions!
    Abridged Playlist

That's all for now! See you soon,
The Dungeon Damsel Team
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