Dynamite Entertainment Team
7 months ago

Project Update: The Terminator on Netflix Looks Great!

Has everyone seen the information about the upcoming The Terminator Anime on Netflix? They've been pretty stingy with images from it, but everything we are seeing looks really encouraging!  The one thing we are worried about is that NETflix could be an AI variant of SkyNET...  Have to be ever vigilant to keep Judgment Day at bay with all the AI popping up everywhere these days.

We're collecting information from all the supporters for changes we can make to the editorial and will be starting the adjustments soon.  There have been some great suggestions (like the errata pages) and we're taking all of that into consideration for production.  

We'll try to keep feeding out updates regularly to let you know where we are in the process.  We should also be opening the Backerkit pledge manager shortly.  Watch for an announcement coming soon.  

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