Easy Roller Dice Co.
about 2 months ago

Project Update: Quick Update On Fire Dice Shipments

As of Tuesday this week, all remaining replacement orders have shipped out.

If your shipment arrives and something doesn't look right, please email Michael:  [email protected]

If you post here, it'll get lost, as we never correctly get notifications.

Also, please note that if you're a Canadian customer, please be patient. Though the Canadian strike ended on Dec 23rd - they will not allow us to ship into Canada due to the backlog of mail at the ports.  

However, they are saying that we can ship again as soon as the backlog is freed up.  So, as soon as the US and Canadian Gov't give us the thumbs up - we'll ship!  By the sound of it, it could be anytime here, so we'll be on the lookout.

Sometime in the next week or so, we'll make the Pink Fire available on our website for anyone interested in one of those beautiful mishaps.  We'll let you know!

Again, we thank you for your patience.  We appreciate how supportive you've been, and we appreciate this community.


-Easy Roller Dice Team
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