Eric Erdek - Espresso detective Comics
about 1 month ago

Project Update: True Noir Tales... Still true. And noir

Hello, dear backers!
I'm excited to update you on our progress! I'm doing stellar work on the interior illustrations, and the results are simply amazing. (If I do say so myself)
After 2 months sick, I'm eagerly diving back into our lettering work pre-holiday, ensuring every page is perfect.
All the finished artwork is lettered (you know I write as I letter, no script) It's been a wild ride, and we can't wait to show you what we've been up to! So I will.

Here's a sample page of the new stuff.

The next step is to re-read the whole story up to now, then draw the last pages, then letter them!
I'll get as much done before Christmas then start up again after new year!
Thanks for all your support and for sticking with us. Your enthusiasm keeps us motivated every step of the way!

-Always in your corner-
 Eric Erdek





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