All available Add-ons
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Roll20 Addon
$400 purchasedRoll20 Codex of Worlds Bundle including a module and compendium with the entire rules text.Edit -
Tome of Mysteries
$250 purchasedThe Tome of Mysteries expands options for Keepers and Hunters—and magnifies their peril—with a wide variety of GMing advice, essays, rules, and mysteries from the Monster of the Week “Roadhouse Regulars” online community.Edit -
Monster of the Week Hardcover
$400 purchasedAn upgraded version of the Monster of the Week core book in a durable hardcover edition with new cover art and 24 pages of material from other sources.Edit -
$1500 purchasedAdd an extra MEGA MONSTER BUNDLE to your order, including: Final PDF with all updates and full artwork when it's done Purchase code to get an at-cost softcover print-on-demand copy PDFs of all funded stretch goals Hardcover copy of Codex of Worlds Softcover copy of Tome of Mysteries Hardcover copy of Monster of the Week Codex of Worlds Roll20 Module and Compendium Bundle Tome of Mysteries Roll20 Module and Compendium Bundle Monster of the Week Roll20 Module and Compendium Bundle Community Copy of Codex of Worlds x4Edit