Ben Costa
10 months ago

Project Update: Two PDF Adventures!

Strap on your questing boots and sharpen your wits because today we’ve got an update on all things adventure! 

Two New Adventures Released!

We are absolutely stoked to announce that two of the PDF adventures, penned by the remarkable J.P. Coovert, are now available for download for those who backed the campaign or purchased the Adventure Module Collection! 

  1. Hippogruff Heist - Get ready for some highfalutin shenanigans and track down a prized, magical cookbook aboard the infamous riverboat The Spiffy Scull. 
  2. Double the Treasure, Double the Trouble - Dive into a mini hex crawl through the Razor Ruin Reef to uncover the lost treasures of not just one but two pirate ships. 

To get the adventures, go to your BackerKit survey and they are under the "Get Your Digital Downloads" button. Here is a link that should take you to your survey . You also should have received an email with a link.

But wait, there's more on the horizon. These are just the first two adventures, with five more on the way. So stay tuned for updates. Once all of the adventures are fully complete, we’ll be putting them together into one PDF collection.

What’s next?

We’ll be providing another update on the printing side of things very soon. It's safe to say that we’re in the home stretch of having everything completely ready to print, and we can’t thank you enough for your patience. You’ve all been fantastic, and we appreciate your support and love for Land of Eem. If you haven’t already, join our Discord! Or stop by one of our live streams on Saturdays to say hello, or catch up with the adventures on the Land of Eem Podcast, our re-released Actual Play campaign, digitally tweaked and made available from the very beginning.

Here’s to the next adventure!

Your pals, 
Ben and James

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