Exalted Funeral Press
7 months ago

Project Update: Wave 3 Achievements are here! New Poster Poll, plus Voidwalker covers coming soon!

Already Unlocked!

$225,000: Book RibonsSo you don’t get lost in your books! Ribbons made of authentic narrativium* (*not actually narrativium). One gold ribbon added to all copies of Our Golden Age and the Mother Machine, standard and Voidwalker editions. One teal ribbon added to The Vastlands Guide Book, standard and Voidwalker editions. *UNLOCKED!*

$250,000: UVG Post Cards Reprinted —  Ten time travelling post cards from the Ultraviolet Grasslands five years ago! All physical backers receive physical and digital versions, all digital backers receive digital version. *UNLOCKED!*

$275,000: Second RibbonsA second ribbon for each book, so you can mark more places! Two colors for the two faces of the world. One turquoise ribbon added to all copies of Our Golden Age and the Mother Machine, standard and Voidwalker editions.  One orange ribbon added to The Vastlands Guide Book, standard and Voidwalker editions. *UNLOCKED!*

$350,000: Void DiceA second hue of dice for the void boxes. With unfriendly numbers. Poll is ongoing to determine the colors. Limited Void Dice added to all Void Boxes in addition to standard OGA Dice. Available as an add-on for all backers.  *UNLOCKED!*

Remaining Locked Achievements

$400,000: Memorium PosterIf your trip was a movie, this would be its poster! Three OGA and UVG cover designs for you to vote on for which poster backers will receive. One sided A3 poster folded once to A4. All physical backers receive one physical poster and digital version, all digital backers receive digital version.

$425,000: Upgraded Travel JournalMore pages, more colorful, more perfectly bound. For better travels. Pages added, upgraded from staple bound to perfect bound, and from black and white interior to color. All physical backers receive physical and digital versions, all digital backers receive digital version.

$450,000: SDM Codex 3: BIOMANTICA - Digital EditionThe power of the flesh source protocols. Spells to make terrifying evil biotech wizards. All backers receive digital version.

$500,000: Black and Gold UVG EyeburnersThe original roman numeral UVG Dice reissued with new livery! Available as an add-on for all backers.

Unlocked items added to Add-ons 

All unlocked items so far available as add-ons will be added to the campaign by the end of today.

Voidwalker Covers COMING SOON!

Luka is finalizing the campaign exclusive covers of the OGA Voidwalker Edition, VLG Voidwalker Edition, and the Void Box. The Void Box with be black with foil stamping. The books will both be black cloth with gold foil for OGA and teal foil for VLG. They will compliment the UVG Voidwalker cover that was available in the UVG 1E campaign (not available in this campaign), seen here: 

Vastlands Guide Preview PDF 

In the next few days we will have a FREE Preview PDF of the Vastlands Guidebook (VLG) as well as a deep dive discussion thread with Luka. 

Thanks for the continued support! Happy unlocking! 

- Exalted Funeral and Luka
496 votes • Final results
So you don’t get lost in your books! Ribbons made of authentic narrativium* (*not actually narrativium). One gold ribbon added to all copies of OGA and one teal ribbon added to all copies of VLG
Goal: $225,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
Ten time travelling post cards from the Ultraviolet Grasslands five years ago! All physical backers receive physical and digital versions, all digital backers receive digital version.
Goal: $250,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
A second ribbon for each book, so you can mark more places! Two colors for the two faces of the world. One turquoise ribbon added to all copies of OGA and one orange ribbon added to all copies of VLG.
Goal: $275,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
A second hue of dice for the void boxes. With unfriendly numbers. Poll is ongoing to determine the colors. Limited Void Dice added to all Void Boxes in addition to standard OGA Dice. Available as an add-on for all backers.
Goal: $350,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
If your trip was a movie, this would be its poster! One sided A3 poster folded once to A4. All physical backers receive one physical poster and digital version, all digital backers receive digital version.
Goal: $400,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
More pages, more colorful, more perfectly bound. For better travels. Pages added, upgraded from staple bound to perfect bound, and from black and white interior to color on Travel Journal previously unlocked for all backers.
Goal: $425,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
The power of the flesh source protocols. Spells to make terrifying evil biotech wizards. All backers receive digital version.
Goal: $450,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
The original roman numeral UVG Dice reissued with new livery! Available as an add-on for all backers.
Goal: $488,517.71 / $500,000
We need $11,482.29 more to reach this goal.





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