Latest from the Creator
FairSquare Comics
about 1 month ago
BackerKit surveys are coming! NO FUTURE on its way to the printer!
Dear backer-friend!  Soon, you’ll receive an email from us with a special link to your BackerKit survey. It’s important to respond to your survey as quickly as you can since we ...
FairSquare Comics
about 1 month ago
We made it… NO FUTURE has a future!
Hi everybody.  I have been waiting for this moment.  Three weeks of intense campaigning. Years of preparation.  And YES, we can finally relax for a minute, NO FUTURE is funded....
FairSquare Comics
about 2 months ago
We're FUNDED, but we're not stopping here!
Let's start with the good news: NO FUTURE's first goal is met. We're officially funded YAY! Now, do we stop here and pat ourselves on the back? Hell no! Actually, I'd love to ...
FairSquare Comics
about 2 months ago
54, 97, 100… It's all about the numbers
Hey all!  Birthday came and went. Yesterday, I celebrated by 54th birthday. Almost can't believe I'm that "old" when I feel 30 in my body and mind. But I guess it's for everyon...
FairSquare Comics
about 2 months ago
70% Funded but only 15 days for humanity!
Hi everyone! We're 70% funded and I'm very happy about that. But we're also one of the few Comictopia campaigns that is not fully funded yet. I'm super amped for all the othe...
FairSquare Comics
2 months ago
First Day… Fun day!
Hello friends. Fabrice here. Yes, the same guy who wrote NO FUTURE that you may have backed today. As I'm writing these lines, it's 8.50 PM in New York, where I live. I guess...
FairSquare Comics
about 1 month ago

Project Update: BackerKit surveys are coming! NO FUTURE on its way to the printer!

Dear backer-friend! 

Soon, you’ll receive an email from us with a special link to your BackerKit survey. It’s important to respond to your survey as quickly as you can since we need this information to fulfill your rewards.

You don’t need to create a BackerKit account to fill out your survey. When you receive the email with the survey, click the survey link to respond. Answer the questions about your reward preferences, provide shipping information, and purchase add-on items if you like. You don’t have access to this survey link yet, but it will be available soon via email!

After you respond to your survey, you can go back later and change your responses at any time before we close the surveys and get our final counts.

If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at

If you used your Facebook credentials to log in to your account, the BackerKit survey is sent to the email address you use for your Facebook account. If you have another email address that you prefer to use, please contact support at

But that's not all! :)
We also sent NO FUTURE to the printer. We're expecting to get it at the office on the third week of September. Then we'll start preparing your package. For all of you who got a Digital reward, you'll have a chance to download your comics and graphic novels directly from Backer Kit! 

Can't wait for you to give me feedback.

To be continued…






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FairSquare Comics
about 1 month ago

Project Update: We made it… NO FUTURE has a future!

Hi everybody. 

I have been waiting for this moment. 
Three weeks of intense campaigning. Years of preparation. 
And YES, we can finally relax for a minute, NO FUTURE is funded. :)

First and foremost, I want to thank all the backers. 
You are 131 and your support means a lot to me and the crew. 
Eder, Walter, Morby and myself have worked hard on this project. 

So, again, thank you, especially those last minute backers!

Now what?

Well, in a couple of days, you'll get a survey where you will be able to share your full contact information for us to send you your reward. Production will happen after a much deserved break. Expect your digital reward very very soon and the printed one in September. 

With Comictopia, Backer Kit has put together an amazing event and I hope you were able to back other campaigns. This is an unprecedented operation with 24 of the 27 offered projects fully funded. 
And I hope for those that did not make it, they'll have another chance. I feel like there was quality everywhere at Comictopia. 

As for me, I'll get back to creating and publishing more comics. 

To be continued…






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FairSquare Comics
about 2 months ago

Project Update: We're FUNDED, but we're not stopping here!

Let's start with the good news: NO FUTURE's first goal is met. We're officially funded YAY!
Now, do we stop here and pat ourselves on the back?
Hell no!

Actually, I'd love to get to the amazing stretch goals we came up with.
- If we reach $5000, I'll add bookplates for everyone.
- If we make it to $10K, there will be coasters, again, for everybody.
- And if we reach the magic number… $20,000, I'll add the full second issue of NO FUTURE that is completely done!

Wouldn't it be cool?

And wait. I'm not done yet.
From TODAY, July 30th 2024, until the end of the campaign, if you pledge for a physical reward above $20 that is not cover A, you'll get a FREE art print to choose from:
• Spider-Man Noir
• Mutiny Black Girl Magik
• Intertwined
• Super-Prince

All drawn by me. And all coming signed. How great is that???

You can pledge for the first time or up your pledge.
If you already pledged over $30 on a physical reward, you'll automatically get an art print. But in that case, you can spread the message to your friends and family.


As part of Comictopia, we are teaming up with the BOUQUETS & DEATH RAYS campaign. When you back BOTH campaigns, you unlock very special rewards: from B&DR, you get a cool enamel pin. And from us you get an holographic NO FUTURE sticker! So don't wait, back our friends here:

Do not wait. PLEDGE (or PLEDGE MORE) NOW! 





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I just upped my contribution to put this project over $3000!

user avatar image for FairSquare Comics




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FairSquare Comics
about 2 months ago

Project Update: 54, 97, 100… It's all about the numbers

Hey all! 

Birthday came and went. Yesterday, I celebrated by 54th birthday. Almost can't believe I'm that "old" when I feel 30 in my body and mind. But I guess it's for everyone the same. :) 

I'm grateful. 
For still being there. 
For still being able to create. 
For you all who have followed me into my adventures, sometimes on multiple continents. 
For having a beautiful family and extended family. My kids. My partner. Everyone else. My friends. My fans. I'm here thanks to you. 
But I'm also grateful for this campaign being so close to being funded. 
We're now $100 away at 97% of our initial goal. 

I took time to reflect upon all this yesterday. 
I remember where I was in 2004. Twenty years ago. 
This is where the seed was planted. When I started thinking that maybe one day, I could write comics. 
I was 34 years old. The age my dad was when he passed away. Consciously or not, it was all about achievement. About legacy. 
My dad's only legacy was his children. 

I have three beautiful children, that I love very much. And two of them are going to be mothers themselves this year. But that was not enough for me. 
NO FUTURE, just like INTERTWINED, THE BLACK BOX, LADY-BIRD, ONE-HIT WONDER and, to a certain extend, SPIDER-MAN NOIR, are also my legacy. As my company, FairSquare Graphics is. I've been working very hard for these to come out. 
And I have just as many projects in the vault, waiting for their turn. 

All legacy. And now, you're also a part of it, because you allowed me to fulfill it. 

Let's take this campaign home now. Let's take it to the next level. 
We have 11 days. I'd love to be able to get to the maximum stretch goal and release issue #2 of NO FUTURE. 

Please share our campaign and/or consider upping your pledge. 
Our friend KHOI PHAM has offered to give away FIVE pencilled extra sketches for the campaign. They have a value of $200 and you get to choose the character. 
I'd love to start by giving one to the backer who'll help us cross the $3K line. 
Then the $5K line and so on. 

Stick with us. Stick with me. Let's bring NO FUTURE as high as it can be. Let's show why #indiesdoitbetter. 

Thanks again to you all. 






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