9 days ago

Project Update: WE DID IT!!! What next?

Hello everyone - thank you all SO MUCH for helping me fund my most successful campaign to date!!! This may only be my 3rd ever, but y'all never cease to amaze me with your support and I appreciate you all so much. 

This update is going to be a bit short, but I will have something a bit more in depth coming soon - if you have any questions, please comment below or shoot me an e-mail at [email protected] !

First off, the pre-order store IS OPEN! 

If you didn't get a chance to pledge to the campaign, or have someone you want to share it with - please follow THIS LINK HERE to place a pre-order. All items available during the campaign except freebies will be available. Returning backer & cross collab freebies will only be available for purchase now by folks who backed the campaign. If you're interested in those pins, leftovers will be available on my website later this year :) Sign up for my e-mail list for an update when they've been added!
The 3D figure mentioned in my previous update will be available for purchase for anyone interested as well - I hope to have a sample completed this weekend to show everyone, along with the popsicle pin board.


Second, if you pledged to the campaign, you will be receiving your survey at some point in the next 7-14 days - this simply depends on when your information is uploaded into the pledge manager; I will be sending an update prior to smoke test surveys being sent (these are sent to 5% of backers to ensure there are no issues with any part of the survey), and again prior to all other surveys going out. The sooner these are filled out, the sooner the pins can get ordered! I will also be giving folks the option of having their cards charged for shipping as soon as their survey is completed vs waiting until later, if that is more helpful financially for folks. 

Finally - your cards will be charging over the next few days - because of the number of projects that finished and the amount of backers who may have backed several, it's going to take a bit longer. IF YOUR CARD FAILS TO CHARGE - please fix that ASAP. You should receive an e-mail if it does (or if your card changes successfully) with a link to fix the charge. If you do not have your payment go through successfully before the 27th, it will not charge again, and I am unable to run the charge from my end. So please be sure to fix that ASAP so you can receive your rewards when they arrive!

That's all for now - I can't wait to give you all updates on the pins I sampled, and any more as they come up <3





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