Viktoria FoxCrowStudio
12 days ago

Project Update: We unlocked ALL STRETCHGOALS!!

Hi everyone!

This morning I checked the project page and saw that we unlocked ALL stretchgoals! That means, if you backed “The Everything” level you truly WILL get everything!

BTW if you’re thinking of upgrading your pledge, now that everything is unlocked, The Everything pledge offers you, well, everything with more than 10% off!

What happens next?

The stretchgoals are unlocked but the project is not over yet! In fact, for me it has only just started. By my current count, 28 animal designs have been completed, just about 16%. Over the next few weeks I will give you a weekly animal round-up and progress report on Mondays of what’s in progress and what has been completed in the past week.

But that’s not all: We still have just over 2 weeks on the clock for the project and there is in fact one more thing I would like to add to the campaign…I can’t tell you anything more just yet, since I am still very much in the early development phase, but stay tuned - it will be very exciting!

Here is this week’s Progress Update!
  • Animals in progress: Elephant, Lion, Skunk, Hyacinth Macaw, Anteater, Giant Panda, Edible Dormouse, Raccoon, Oppossum, Pigeon
  • Keychains in progress: Rainforest, Grassland
  • Lanyard keychains: Green + Yellow complete, Blue in progress
  • Washi Tape: Complete

I hope you are as excited as I am about reaching all the stretchgoals. Do you have any questions about the campaign, the products or the process? Let me know! And don’t forget to vote for the next sticker animal.

22 votes
This is the final stretchgoal - so far! Let's unlock it together
Goal: €4,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!




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