Viktoria FoxCrowStudio
2 months ago

Project Update: Pledgemanager Smoke Test + More Biome Reveals

Hello friends,

I am excited to share with you that the smoke test for the pledgemanager will be sent out on Friday. That means 10% of you will receive your survey and can start filling it out. If no problems occur, the rest of the survey will be sent out on Saturday. If you receive a survey on Friday I would be extremely grateful if you took the time to complete it and let me know if you ran into any issues!
Haven't used the BackerKit Pledgemanager before? I have a step by step at the end of this post!

Biome Reveals!

Ahead of the Pledgemanager I am happy to reveal two more biomes: the rainforest and Australia/Oceania Biome!
Now, I know what you think: "But Viktoria, Australia and Oceania isn’t a biome, it’s a very diverse geographical region!" Yes, I hear you. But I think we can all agree that Australia and New Zealand, along with some of the surrounding islands, have absolutely unique animals, found nowhere else on earth, and in my opinion simply adding them to the rainforest, grassland or desert biomes was not a vibe.
For this keychain I went with a somewhat iconic, semi-arid landscape: red earth, spinifex grass, sandstone mountains and iconic ghost gum or similar eucalyptus trees. The end result is hopefully recognisable without being too stereotypical and should make a nice background for the 14 unique animals chosen for this biome.
Now, tropical rainforests, again, are super diverse and found in South America, Asia, Africa and Australia. I decided to take you deep into the rainforest: Pretend you are sitting on a tree branch and looking out into a valley. The green and blue background will highlight the colorful plumage of rainforest birds and give the shy animals a place to hide. And what screams rainforest more than monstera leaves? I just had to include them in the foreground.

I hope you’ve enjoyed seeing these two highlights. Only two biomes are yet to make their grand entrance: the Meadow and the City. Stay tuned for their highlight next week, along with the finished Tundra (or check them out when completing the survey), and read on to learn more about how the pledgemanager works.
Includes Backer-Exclusive Content




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