Viktoria FoxCrowStudio
17 days ago

Project Update: Day 1 Update + More Stretchgoals!

Hi friends!
Just as I uploaded the new stretchgoal image to the campaign, we reached another one! After about 27 hours in the campaign we have now reached 2,500 € and are now more than halfway to unlocking ALL Stretchgoals! Coming up next is the Tundra Biome - very exciting!  Lastly, I also added a little animated GIF to the campaign page showing how the keychain works and the approximate sizes. It might take a second to fully load in.

What have we unlocked today?

We unlocked a yellow colour way for the wrist lanyards! It's perfect for the savanna biome but works really well with the grassland as well. We also unlocked some truly incredible grassland animals from the South American Pampas, among them my personal favourite: the Anteater!

The next stretchgoal we unlocked is the flower meadow/hedge habitat! Meadows are surprisingly species-rich and an important bastion of bio-diversity in grasslands. Hedges, meaning human-made natural barriers of closely planted shrubs, are even more so. They prevent soil loss, offer nurseries for small mammals, reptiles and insects, help some birds navigate, are feeding grounds for bats and so much more.
We also unlocked the South American Animal poster! This promises to be one of the busiest posters and it will be hard to choose which animals to include...some more are yet to be unlocked 👀(hint: there are lots of birds in the Amazon rainforest)

When we reach this goal we unlock the Tundra Biome and 14 incredible animals that live there!
Goal: €2,750 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
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