Browser-based character management system for Fragged Empire ttRPG. Character and item creation, progression, damage and equipment tracking, homebrew support and native import-export functionality to integrate with other VTT systems (especially Foundry).
Welcome to the crowdfunding campaign for Fragged Nexus, a browser-based character management system for the Fragged Empire 2 tabletop RPG. The system will facilitate both character (PC & NPC) and item creation, progression, damage and equipment tracking. There will also be support for homebrewing new character options and native import-export functionality to integrate with other VTT systems (especially Foundry).
Some book spreads from Fragged Empire 2 - we are all about quality!!
Fragged Empire is a post-post-apocalyptic sci-fi setting where your people are just now returning to space following a century of hiding during the aftermath of a galactic war where the Nephilim and their X'ion master successfully defeated the Archons and their servile nations. It's a universe that leans heavily into themes of cultural tension and exploration, with a dash of transhumanism, nation-building and a hope for a better future.
A typical game of Fragged Empire will see you and your friends take on the role of a character from one of eight core species. You will join together to form a ragtag band of misfits who travel around the sector in a spaceship taking odd jobs and getting into trouble.
To learn more about Fragged Empire, please take a look at our previous Kickstarter.
Development of VTT software can be 'as long as a piece of string', as there are so many features that can be implemented. Our goal with Fragged Nexus is to produce a system that is tight in scope, highly polished and designed from the ground up to compliment existing VTT systems. We will then scale up with more features as the project is supported by the community.
The more people we get on board the better we can make things!
v1.0 Features
Desktop and mobile interface.
PC, NPC and item creation (including all FE2 Species, Traits, Item, Perk and Complication rules!)
Cover, Damage (Endurance, Attribute) and effects tracking.
Munition tracking.
Inventory tracking.
Save character files to local hard drive.
Install App for offline use.
Export character files (this will help with the development of VTT support in systems like Foundry. But those systems will still need to be developed by us or 3rd parties).
Future Features
Graphics upgrade (once all the core features are up and going I will be giving everything a graphic overhaul to make it look really cool!)
Server-side storage.
Custom character portraits.
PC and NPC spacecraft creation.
Dream Features
(These features have not yet been costed and planned, but we gain enough users and funds we will be able to make these a reality).
Server-side access to Fragged Empire 2 options via your account.
Usable with all future Fragged lines (ie: Fragged Kingdom 2).
Attack/Skill die roller with Strong Hit, Grit Re-Roll integration.
API for more realized integration into Roll20, Foundry, etc...
Produce PDF character sheet.
Pop up menus to make character creation and play easier :)
Track your cover, damage (Endurance, Attribute), effects, Munitions and more!
A pledge level for those who are especially passionate about ttRPGs and want to be a part of developing Fragged Nexus. Or if there is a special feature that you are very keen to have.
Add (or prioritize) a suitable feature to Fragged Nexus.
It may be a good idea to check with us first via a private message to ensure your idea is achievable.