Gaming Honors
5 months ago

Project Update: A Spooky September Update!

Hail, Heroes of Stonewater!

Thad continues fine-tuning The Exorcist Awaits, a process that has lately involved a fair number of PC fatalities at our table! Thanks to all of you, our very first adventure sequel is going to be something special. In the first volume, The Exodus of Wolfbane, PCs journey to a storied land along with their magical guardian, the mysterious Shadowforde. In The Exorcist Awaits, the heroes must now rescue him from demonic forces that threaten to corrupt him and all they know and love.

With that in mind, I thought a look back at Thad's first introduction to Shadowforde five years ago was in order. This is from the opening of Exodus:

Who could leave such a person to face a demonic fate?

As you can see, the villagers owe everything to Shadowforde, and that was BEFORE he helped them flee Wolfbane. Your players will need all their ingenuity--and a lot of luck!--to save him.

We are putting the finishing touches on O' Happy Dagger!, our Purple Planet adventure, and then Andrea will be getting the survey out to all of you for Exorcist. Seems appropriate timing with Halloween right around the corner!

Thanks again for your support,

The Haunted Gang at Gaming Honors

user avatar image for Anonymous Seagull #2571582




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