Gaming Honors
6 months ago

Project Update: THANK YOU for an Amazing Campaign!

Hail, Haunted Heroes of Stonewater!

Woohoo! You did it! Not only is The Exorcist Awaits going to see the light of day, but all backers will receive a PDF of Matt Morrow's amazing cover art, AND we will make all of the handouts available as PDFs on our website--in full color! (And if you've played The Exodus of Wolfbane, you know Thad loves using handouts!) What an epic finish!

So what happens now? Thad will reach out to those backers who pledged at levels allowing them to collaborate on creating magic items, weapons, and even NPCs. As that happens, he'll incorporate changes and additions as we work towards finalizing the text. We've already gotten a great deal of art you've seen! We will be prioritizing finalizing the text and layout.

We will also be preparing a backer survey to gather your shipping and DrivethruRPG addresses for PDFs. Remember, shipping is added after you've completed the survey.

For now, though, let's all celebrate a moment before we turn to the real business at hand, which is, of course, saving Shadowforde! 

With MUCH Gratitude,

The Haunted Gang at Gaming Honors




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