Project Update: Returning Backer Stickers + Locking Pledge Manager
Pledge Manager Locks Soon!
Please note - you can still change your address at a later date. We just need to lock in some other details. Addresses will remain flexible until we are much closer to fulfillment.
Returning Backer Bonus Stickers
Previously backed this creator's crowdfunding project
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Have our cards been charged because my mine has not been?
Project Update: Advance Copies in Hand! - And, Finalize That Pledge Manager!
This update has some exciting backer-only material. We have advance copies of Caverns of Thracia to show you! (Although the boat with the bulk delivery is still several months away.) But before we get to that, a reminder:
Please complete your pledge manager! (aka "the survey") You should have received a link from BackerKit. If you did not, please speak up! We will be locking surveys in about 2 weeks and a lot of backers still need to complete it.
While you're in the survey, think about adding the slipcase or the new "retro novel" variant-cover DCC adventures. In the video below, you'll see how cool that slipcase is.
Now, on to the backer-only portion of this update...
Previously backed this creator's crowdfunding project
This user contributed to this community!
Hello - My pledge includes 1 each of DCC and 5E Caverns of Thracia main books with one to be foil. I don't see a way to specify which book gets it? Posted this earlier as a reply. Thanks!
Previously backed this creator's crowdfunding project
This user contributed to this community!
Is it possible to buy second t-Shirt?