Goodman Games
2 months ago

Project Update: Happy day! Printer proofs and pledge manager!

Hello, trap-bait! er, I mean, backers of Grimtooth's Traps!

We have a great update for you today. Several important milestones...

Pledge Manager Now Live! Any minute now, you should see an email with a link to the BackerKit pledge manager. Please complete when you have a chance!

Printer Proofs APPROVED! We're sending out the pledge manager now because we received all the printer proofs and they look great! Here is a giant selection of random photos. We've approved the proofs and will soon have an estimated ship date from the printer. We think you're going to love your books. Let's dive in...

The Main Pledge Items

Cover to 5E edition

Title page to 5E edition

Random page from 5E edition

Another random page from 5E edition

Cover to DCC edition

Random pages from DCC edition

Another random page from DCC edition

Did we mention the endsheets? They'll be printed with this grid of classic Grimtooth trap illustrations. It looks great.

Proofs of Add-On Items

Cover proof for DCC: Trials of the Trapmaster's Tomb

Random page from DCC: Trials of the Trapmaster's Tomb

Cover proof for DCC: Against the Thieves Guild

Cover from FEF: Against the Thieves Guild. The foil on this one executed particularly well.

And now, the exclusive stretch goal items!

Only the crowdfunding backers will receive the following stretch goal items!

The latest issue of the Goodman Games Gazette! You know, we don't talk much about this, but there's a new issue with every crowdfunding. Collect them all!

The book of bonus traps, 5E edition...

...and the book of bonus traps, DCC edition. Only for backers!

Don't forget Caverns of Thracia!

Caverns of Thracia is now live - a classic megadungeon for 5E and DCC, featuring a minotaur king! Pledge now for all the crowdfunding editions.

Caverns of Thracia is now live!

That's the latest on Grimtooth's, folks. As soon as we have an estimated ship date we'll be back with an update!

user avatar image for Jen Brinkman




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