1" Diameter Element Magnets

1" Diameter Element Magnets

CNC machined and deep laser engraved 1" diameter magnet casings made from their respective elements. Casings are bored and threaded with a powerful magnet bolted in. Felt pad is added to dampen and protect the magnet. Sanded to a satin finish.
$2,642 🎉
of $100
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Element magnets are back this time with a requested satin/brushed finish and nicer crisper deep engraving!

The aluminum magnets are made from 6061 aluminum alloy. The copper from C145 copper alloy. Iron is made from stainless steel. And titanium is from the robust grade 5 (6AL4V) titanium. Grade 5 is selected over grade 2 (commercially pure) for its greater hardness and toughness. Grade 5 also finishes a lot nicer.   

Deep Engraving. These are deep engraved with a fiber laser, especially noticeable on aluminum. It gives it a bolder, deeper, more timeless appearance. It takes 2 hours to engrave all of them this deep but I think the look is worth it.



  • 1" diameter.
  • Bolt in 33 lb pull force rare earth magnet. This sounds like a lot, but with the felt pad it's not so bad (maybe more like 5-10 lbs). I've had grandmothers use it without any issues. In addition if you tip the magnet it becomes a lot easier to remove from the surface (think leverage).  See gif below.

Magnet is bolted in and covered with a felt pad.
However, you should be careful when handling them close to each other as they can rapidly attract toward each other and potential cause pinch points.
  • Holds 30 pieces of paper easily on my Craftsman cabinet.
  • Bored and threaded cavity (ensuring that the magnet won't come out and that it can even be replaced with weaker magnets, replacement magnets, or a non magnetic weight).
  • Felt pad on the bottom reduces risk of scratches as well as creates a nice soft dampening effect.
  • Sanded for a satin finish. Copper is sealed with lacquer to slow the patina.
  • Ships in a hard plastic container (for ultimate shipping protection!)
  • Casing 100% made in the USA (in my shop!).


Dimensional Drawing


Aluminum: 2.1 oz [60g]
Copper: 4.7 oz [134g]
Iron (Stainless Steel): 4.2 oz [120g]
Titanium: 2.8 oz [80g]


2019 - Conceive the idea of element themed magnets.
2019-2020 - Launch element magnets.
August 2023 - Launch the stonewashed version. 
January 2024 - Acquire a fiber laser. 
March 2024 - Experiment with the fiber laser. Start building the project. 
April 2024 - Build the project. Get a head start on production. 
May - June - Complete production and fulfillment. 
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