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Green Ronin Publishing
about 17 hours ago
So what's in the Crew Companion Book?
Hey folks, As we march on into the weekend, today's update is from The Expanse lead developer, Ian Lemke, who has taken some time to go into a little more detail about the new...
Green Ronin Publishing
1 day ago
Double Sided Map Unlocked!
Another achievement in the books! A double-sided poster map will now come with the Transport Union Edition Core Rulebooks! We're pretty sure that combat playmat is going to co...
Green Ronin Publishing
3 days ago
Another Achievement Down! So Many Tokens!
Hey folks, looks like you've done it again! That's another goal unlocked, and a set of tokens for the Free Navy Conflict book! Joining the Daemon's Gambit, that brings both pack...
Green Ronin Publishing
3 days ago
What an Incredible First Day!
That's TWO more Achievement Goals unlocked! Not only did we reach the Daemon's Gambit VTT tokens today, but we unlocked all four books in hardcover! And before midnight EST!! ...
Green Ronin Publishing
4 days ago
Daemon's Gambit Gets the Hardcover Treatment!
Well, that didn't take long!  We have unlocked the next Stretch Goal/Achievement, and Daemon's Gambit is getting an upgrade.  Next up, we've got some free VTT tokens for Daemo...
Green Ronin Publishing
4 days ago
Special Edition Poll is up!
Let us know if you think we should do a Special Edition version of the Core Rulebook!

On your website you've posted "Free Protogen Dice Set for Day 1 Backers! Launch day backers get a free set of Protogen dice" I can't see this information anywhere in campaign, I found information about early access to quickstart only. Will protogen dice set be available here?

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Green Ronin Publishing
about 16 hours ago

Project Update: So what's in the Crew Companion Book?

Hey folks,

As we march on into the weekend, today's update is from The Expanse lead developer, Ian Lemke, who has taken some time to go into a little more detail about the new Crew Companion book!

Take it away, Ian!

There’ve been many questions about exactly what will be in the Crew Companion for The Expanse RPG. If you’re one of those people or just a wee bit curious, you’ve come to the right place. In short, the Crew Companion is a player’s guide for The Expanse RPG. Its primary purpose is to expand character options for players, allowing you to make exactly the kind of character you want and to fill in some of the gaps. It offers tons of new options and even explores new ways to play. Now, let’s break it down.
We released Trades of the Expanse: Bounty Hunter in the spring of 2022 in PDF format only, and since then, there have been six additional Trades books: Scouts, Planetary Surveyor, Journalist, Entertainer, Trader/Smuggler, and most recently, Pirate. For those unfamiliar with these books, each examines a different profession (or trade) in which player characters might have been before a campaign starts or is currently engaged. To summarize, the Trades books delve into the life and culture of people involved in these trades, provide rules for finding jobs and getting paid, and offer specialized ships (along with new ship Qualities and Flaws) and equipment. Each trade also has a new specialization directly related to that trade. Finally, there are new Churn results connected to each of the trades and their activities. 
The central feature of the Crew Companion will be taking all of these Trades books (plus several never published) and putting them into one book. However, we’re not going to just cut and paste the Trades books into the Crew Companion. The information will be organized to make finding the information you want easier. For example, all of the equipment and ships will each have their own chapters. We’ll also be going back over all of the existing Trades and tweaking the text to bring them into the Transport Union era. And, of course, there will be several new trades to look forward too! 
But that’s not all! There’ll be advanced rules for tinkering with your tech and buying black market implants. Don’t have enough cash for that really spiffy implant? Now, you can get it at a discount, but watch out for those side effects! We’re also taking a deeper dive into Interludes, including advanced rules and advice for players and GMs.
 The Crew Companion will be a fantastic addition to The Expanse RPG collection for both players and Game Masters. That’s about all I can say right now, but keep monitoring these comms for future updates. You never know what surprises we might have in store. 
Fly safely!
~Ian Lemke
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Green Ronin Publishing
1 day ago

Project Update: Double Sided Map Unlocked!

Another achievement in the books!

A double-sided poster map will now come with the Transport Union Edition Core Rulebooks! We're pretty sure that combat playmat is going to come in really handy with a set of new Spaceship Miniatures!

We're rolling into day 3 this morning and going strong. We have the Inner Worlds: Rockfall PDF adventure coming up next, and the description does seem to imply there might be more in that series on the way. But will we stop by Luna first or are we burning straight for the Red Planet?

We'll also be distributing the Quickstart PDF to our early backers just as soon as we cross a few I's and dot a few T's, and make sure the digital ink is dry. But for folks just joining us; never fear, we've got your copy of the Quickstart reserved for you too.
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One book I would be really keen to see happen is one that collates all the "Trades of the Expanse" PDF booklets into a single printed volume. I am assuming the Crew Companion doesn't already cover this? Perhaps something to consider adding to the Stretch Goals...?

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Green Ronin Publishing
3 days ago

Project Update: What an Incredible First Day!

That's TWO more Achievement Goals unlocked!

Not only did we reach the Daemon's Gambit VTT tokens today, but we unlocked all four books in hardcover! And before midnight EST!!

At its peak, the "Backer Train" reached 871, which is really pretty cool. The train only resets if someone hasn't made a pledge in 10 minutes, so we were all cheering every time that number climbed even higher!

Today has been absolutely amazing, and we can't thank you all enough!

A few members of Team Ronin were up pretty early today for the Launch Party livestream, so we're going to call it a night, and pick up tomorrow after some much needed sleep. But y'all are just the best!

We have a lot more in store for this campaign, so keep a weather eye out, and we'll keep you updated!
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