While I would love to see a $4000 surge in Backers between now and tomorrow, the realist in me says that this project is, unfortunately, a failure.
But this is not The End. I h...
Haphazard Projects
6 months ago
Day 22: I've missed a few, but the winners are...
Stephen Esdale, Rae Bee, Christopher!
All three of you have won a small sampling of what would have been the Soundtrack for The Aethyrblood Chronicles! At least four tracks, by...
Haphazard Projects
6 months ago
Day 26 & 25: Special Thank You and Aethyrblood Dice, and it goes to...
Chris Zeeck and Sogno!
You can select two Adjectives to describe you for the Special Thank You in the book!
Like The Sick Caffeinated Eiric E. Padráig! Or maybe you like the C...
Haphazard Projects
6 months ago
Day 27: Special Thank You and Aethyrblood Dice, and it goes to...
Noxicus Dimier!
You can select two Adjectives to describe you for the Special Thank You in the book!
Like The Easily Difficult Eiric E. Padráig! Or maybe you like the Dirty Kn...
Haphazard Projects
6 months ago
Day 28: Special Thank You and Campaign Pin, and it goes to...
James 'The Great Old One' Burke
You can select two Adjectives to describe you for the Special Thank You in the book!
Like The Nigh-Improbable Eiric E. Padráig! Or maybe you li...
Haphazard Projects
6 months ago
Day 29: Special Thank You and Campaign Pin, and it goes to...
You can select two Adjectives to describe you for the Special Thank You in the book!
Like The Medium-Well Burnt Eiric E. Padráig! Or maybe you like the Hardly Availab...
I just posted a sort of "Advent Calendar" in the Story Section that explains how that part will work.
But, if you help bring us closer to the finish line... well, we have something special lined up for you. All you have to do is find a friend or game store that wants to back the project. Ask them to join the Discord server and then message me with your name.
Anyone who does this will get some extra special at the end of the BackerKit project, whether it succeeds of not. And if it does succeed... the "something special" will be even bigger. We're talking like $200-300 bigger.
When designing your Agnati, the Communion Score sets the stage for the connection between the Aethyr and that specific Agnati.
The lower the score, the easier for the Agnati to work for the Aethyr’s benefit, but the less likely it is to speak and understood by the Aethyr.
The higher the score, the easier it is for the Aethyr to speak with an understand their Agnati, but the less likely to feel the influence of the Aganti’s own power.
So be careful when assigning this aspect during character creation.
While I would love to see a $4000 surge in Backers between now and tomorrow, the realist in me says that this project is, unfortunately, a failure.
But this is not The End. I have taken everything I have learned to create another setting, in which The Aethyrblood Chronicles makes up a large part of. The end results of these efforts is The End, a massive RPG that pulls all my games together into one Omniversal setting system held together by what I am calling The Odyssey Engine.
The Odyssey Engine allows The End to be played not only as a standard TTRPG, but as a Solo game or even as a LARP.
I intend to get as many games as possible interested in playing the game in the environment they are most comfortable.
Thank you for your support and interest in the Aethyrblood Chronicles. If you want to see the project under this new auspice, just follow us here: