Belinda Crawford
4 months ago

Project Update: 💪 The final hurdle... the ebooks are sooo close!

Heya Heroes,

Today is a very exciting day… it is the day I start the final proof of Gamer.

The print proof of Gamer sitting on my desk with a red pen on top, ready to hunt down typos!
See this massive stack of paper and that red pen? That's 400 pages of Gamer printed two to a page and double-sided, which I must read through for the billionth time.

This is always the last stage in my process; after all the writing and reading and rewriting and rereading and editing and reediting, comes the layout for print and last but not least… the proofing. To be honest, it's not my favourite part but I never skip it because I always find some kinda whoopsie, like the time an entire chapter was repeated in Hero or that other time I'd forgotten a chapter in one of the Echo books.

Once the proof is done and I've corrected the mistakes that will inevitably pop up, Gamer goes to print and the ebooks will be winging their way to your inbox.

So, between now and then, wish me luck. 

Survey reminder: You need to fill out your survey to get your books!

If you haven't filled out your survey yet, please do so as soon as possible because I need to know where to send your books! If you're having trouble please reach out and remember that you can find your survey link here or by using the link below

Happy reading,

Another awesome campaign to check out!

Award-winning fantasy fiction returns. Monster Blood Tattoo.
This is a fabulous middle grade fantasy series by an Aussie author. It's awesome with gorgeous illustrations. I bought the hardbacks when they first came out.





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