High Noon Game, Inc.
4 months ago

Project Update: 💰 Play High Noon, Climb the Leaderboard, and Win My Money!

Howdy High Noon Fans!

Yesterday, we covered something big on the live stream – how you can win my money just by playing High Noon, having fun, and sharing the game with others!

Watch the live stream replay here!

Here’s the scoop: We’ve launched a High Noon Leaderboard on our website. Every game of High Noon you play on Tabletopia adds to your total gold score, pushing you up the Leaderboard. Play as much as you want, from wherever you want, on any device you want, to rack up your score – Tabletopia is completely free to play! For this Leaderboard challenge, here’s what’s up for grabs:

🏆 1st Place: $50
🥈 2nd Place: $25
🥉 3rd Place: Chips and Gold Upgrade Pack

How to Qualify:

  1. Pledge at the Outlaw level or higher on the campaign.
  2. Join our Discord server.
  3. Introduce yourself in the #Leaderboard channel and upload an avatar (optional).
  4. Play High Noon with other Leaderboard players on live streams (your own or ours).
  5. Share your games with friends and family!
  6. Record your final gold score and report it to the #Leaderboard channel.
  7. Repeat steps 4-6 for as many games as you want!

Why am I doing this? Instead of paying influencers to “talk up” High Noon, I’d rather reward the people who genuinely love playing the game. This is my way of building a real community of dedicated High Noon players and giving back to those who help us spread the word.

Why Join the Leaderboard Challenge?

  • It’s a fun, interactive way to win my money while playing a game you love!
  • It’s a perfect way to learn the game, meet others, and enjoy some friendly competition.
  • You can even play with me on live streams and get a personal tour of the game’s strategies!

This is just the start of something bigger! Join the campaign, jump into our Discord server, and let’s get you climbing that Leaderboard. Who’s ready to win some cash?
See you on the Leaderboard!




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