Update Patches are published in my Patreon and available publicly.
Update Patch v3.12 February 2025
The past month has not been a super month, but things are progressing!
The pads of character sheets arrived from the printer and they look great. I mean look those! I rolled up a bunch of 2nd levels using both pen and pencil. They are fantastic and ready to go.
Covers Great things have happened. First Stefan Poag's cover for Brendan LaSalle's A Study in Ashdawn:
But wait there's more!
A sketch arrived from Peter Mullen this week! Do you want to see it? Of course you do! Here's Peter's sketch for Julian Bernick's Battle at the End of Time:
Battle at the End of Time
Speaking of the 4th level adventure. Maps are in process. The adventure layout is finished. Art spots have been identified and the usual gang is making art magic.
A Study in Ashdawn Brendan LaSalle's adventure is in progress. If you're interested in joining us in the Netcrawl Discord server at noon Eastern time on Saturday Feb 22nd, you can play test it with the author and designer.
In Space No One Can Hear the Robopocalypse Davin Kluttz has taken on the task of the final map for the adventure. (Remember to download it. It was this month's content available to all free and supporting members of the patreon.)
Netcrawl: Arcologies I've been chipping away on the tables for awhile now. Julian Bernick had some great ideas for random hex crawl for his adventure, but I thought they would make great additions to the WorldNet Rumors, News and Events tables. Basically there will be a table of ideas to help jump start your adventures. One for every zone of the WorldNet map. Donn Stroud is working on drug tables called abends and zaps.
Netcrawl core rulebook It's basically finished. I'm currently sharing it with close confidants for feedback. I will share the plain doc format of the rulebook to everyone soon.
Time to Collect Surveys Yeah I think it is. I have covers (finished or sketches) for everything. We need to get moving on the Create a Virus add-ons and I need information back from everyone. Watch those in boxes. The Pledge manager is currently under review with Backerkit.