Retailer Tier - 3 Hexploration Deck Sets (12 Decks) & 3 Hex Tile Sets

Retailers can get 3 Hexplorer's Kits (3 of each of the 4 Hexploration Decks & 3 Hex Minimap Tiles Sets) or any combination of those.  You'll be able to select the exact mix of decks via the pledge manager.

Shipping will be the same flat rates as detailed on the main Pledge Manager page. And you'll be able to increase the pledge via the pledge manager.

Sorry, due to tarriff volatility we can only work with US retailers here.  Contact us at support at inkwellideas dot com if you're in another country or would simply like to learn more.

Retailer Tier - 3 Hexploration Deck Sets (12 Decks) & 3 Hex Tile Sets


2 Backers