Restless Encounters PDF Deck

The Restless Encounters Deck as a PDF.  Print it yourself on card-stock or on paper & sleeve it. Or use it electronically on your computer.

Each of the 50+ Restless Encounter cards has artwork (an NPC, foe, scene, campsite map, etc.) on one side and an outline of the encounter on the other side: how things start, the foes' likely actions, NPC's agendas, events that may occur, etc.  

We'll make two PDFs of the deck: 
  • A file where each page has the front sides of 4 cards and the next page is the  back sides of those same 4 cards.  Then the next page starts the next 4 cards and so on. 
  • A file where each "page" is 2.75"x3.75" side of a card so you can lay it out however you'd like and trim the extra .125" on each side away (bleed).

Restless Encounters PDF Deck


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