Restless Encounters and Encounter Builder Printed & PDF Decks

A printed copy of the Restless Encounters Deck and all three Encounter Builder decks (City, Dungeon, & Wilderness).  Get a copy of the four decks printed by us and delivered to your door. Plus get the PDFs of all four decks to use electronically on your computer or if you can't wait for the deck to arrive.

Each of the 50+ Restless Encounter cards has artwork (an NPC, foe, scene, campsite map, etc.) on one side and an outline of the encounter on the other side: how things start, the foes' likely actions, NPC's agendas, events that may occur, etc.  

Each of the 50 Encounter Builder cards per deck has full color artwork on each side. A GM shuffles them, then lays a few out and looks for a connection between a couple of them to describe a dynamic scene/event to the players. The Encounter Builder deck themes are City, Dungeon, and Wilderness. 

The printed decks are on 300gsm cardstock and feel similar to a Magic the Gathering card. The new Restless Encounters deck comes in a custom printed tuck box.  The Encounter Builder decks come in a shatter-resistant plastic case or a custom printed standard heavy cardstock tuck box (your choice).  Shipping will be charged as we get closer to shipping--see the Delivery & Shipping section of the main project page for details. 

We make two PDFs of each deck: 
  • A file where each page has the front sides of 4 cards and the next page is the  back sides of those same 4 cards.  Then the next page starts the next 4 cards and so on. 
  • A file where each "page" is 2.75"x3.75" side of a card so you can lay it out however you'd like and trim the extra .125" on each side away (bleed).

Restless Encounters and Encounter Builder Printed & PDF Decks


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