Inkwell Ideas
10 months ago

Project Update: Files Almost Ready, Surveys Going out Soon

Hi All,

It has been almost two weeks since our campaign ended, but we've been busy finalizing the files/decks!  Our text has been edited one more time, and about half of the additional art has been submitted.  We have just 5 pieces outstanding right now--and we expect that by early next week.

(If you're seeing this and you haven't pledged, you still can here.  We'll keep that open until we're about to ship the physical decks.)

Our pledge surveys have also been set up.  Fortunately this campaign is much simpler than prior campaigns: in most cases we just need shipping addresses or one/two small clarifications.

So in minutes we'll send the surveys to a few of you as a smoke test.  Then in a day or two (or next Tuesday at the latest due to the US Memorial Day holiday) we'll send the surveys out to everyone else.

Thank you!  We expect a quick turnaround on this project.  PDFs should go out next week, and the files will go to the printer the week after that.  Then we should be sending the printed decks out in early/mid June.






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