Inkwell Ideas
9 months ago

Project Update: Files Sent! Please Review Before We Print

Downloads Ahoy!

I've just had BackerKit send an email with instructions/links to download the files for this project, if you've completed the pledge manager.  If you haven't, please do, and expect a link within a day--it seems BackerKit requires a manual step by me to "lock" orders.

There is a zip file of the new Restless Encounters deck's files and another zip of the 3 Encounter Builders' decks.  For all the decks, we have a two files:
  • One where each card is a small card-size page--good for viewing on a screen, especially with a front and back side-by-side
  • The other with 4 card fronts on one page and those 4 cards' backs on the next page--and set up to duplex print so the upper left art card is the upper right text card.
In both cases we have some extra bleed around the cards--if printing, trim them down to 3.5"x2.5" from the original 3.75"x2.75".  This is in case a printer isn't set up precisely--just a little bit of the border will be cut.  If you're cutting them yourself, look for tick marks on the edges of the cards to help you know where to cut.

We do plan to send these files to the printer early next week. If you're able, please download and look them over by Monday.  While I've edited them myself last week (in addition to a few weeks ago) and had a professional editor (Adam) edit them last week as well, a stray typo can be missed.  Or a final export can go awry.  So please post a comment (or email [email protected]) if you find an issue.

Thank you!




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