Happy Spring, fellow Party-goers! It's time to take it outside! 🎉
Oh texture, my beloved, you look so beautiful...
We've got an update with several fun pictures for you to gander at! Currently Perfect Crime Party is finally heading toward the printer after a slightly-lengthy review! 🔍
The spines of the book signatures! I just think it's neat how a book comes together, don't you?
I personally love seeing the shine and texture on black print. You can't get that in a PDF as much as those rock too!
Proofs have been approved for production after a small delay. A few edits had to take place for the printing to look clearer and be more readable but now that that's over, we're currently slated to begin the printing and put-together process. These photos that have been included in the update are from the second proof run, so you're all getting a little sneak peek at the final product before everything else gets stitched up for the cover to be added!
Thank you all for being here and a part of this production! We cannot wait to share this criminal collection with you!