15 days ago

Project Update: Times Almost Up!

Hey, hey Bloodlings new and old! 

Time to get the Early Bird gift for my campaign is almost up! Just as a reminder, if you pledge to a physical tier by 12:59 PM, you'll receive one of these: 

AND, if you pledge to the Sluagh or one of the J.S. Living Special Tiers early, you'll receive two!

Also, make sure you tell a friend about the campaign! One of our achievement goals is to share the campaign on Facebook 100 times so everyone can receive a (digital) personalized letter from one of the Blood Ties characters.

I know y'all want to learn more about the characters, and this is one of the best ways to do it!

That said, as we get closer to our funding and achievement goals, I'll be posting updates.

 Also, watch out for the new artwork I mentioned in the campaign because I'll be asking for your opinions! 

Includes Backer-Exclusive Content
2 votes • Final results
Once we reach this goal, everyone will receive a (digital) personalized letter from one of the Blood Ties characters!
Goal: 0 / 100
We need 100 more to reach this goal.
Once we reach our funding goal of $700, backers will receive an unedited copy of Chapter 1 from my next publication.
Goal: $700 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!




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